[En] Right now I have uploaded the new distribution to google drive. I note that after the new update, it is better to use steam in small mode or big picture (this bug is still being fixed). But all the games from my reviews are working fine. New: updated all system packages. There is a function to download the steam authenticator in "Utils". Added automatic search for drivers for the video card. Updated epic-games package based on legendary (epicpro auth command, epicpro install, epicpro launch ... in SteamBSD). Added the ability to speed up the system in one click. This is the Boost icon on the desktop. Also, pay attention to the recently added pip, which uses applications from https://pypi.org/, there are 327,000 projects, some of them work on SteamBSD. [Ru] Прямо сейчас я загрузил новый дистрибутив на гугл диск. Отмечу, что после нового обновления стим лучше использовать в режиме small mode или big picture (этот баг еще в стадии исправления). Но все игры из моих обзоров р...